Representation of all notaries

The Bundesnotarkammer collects the points of views of all regional chambers of notaries to voice them at national as well as international level.

At national level

In particular, the Bundesnotarkammer organises the notaries’ dialogue with authorities and organisations in Germany and expresses their views on all matters affecting all notaries. 

Furthermore, the Bundesnotarkammer has an expert and advisory function vis-à-vis the legislator and the highest federal bodies, including the federal courts. It fulfils this task in all legal areas covered by the notary as well as the area of notarial professional law for instance by   

  • commenting on legislative initiatives,
  • elaborating positions and expert opinions on legislative proposals,
  • participating in working groups and expert groups of the concerned federal ministries. 

At international level

The Bundesnotarkammer is a member of the Council of the Notariats of the European Union – C.N.U.E. – the association of notariats of the Latin type notarial system in Europe. It has been strongly involved in the implementation of an independent notariat in the reformed states in Central and Eastern Europe. 

The Bundesnotarkammer maintains a permanent office in Brussels to better communicate with institutions and authorities at European level. It advises the European Union and its institutions.