
The German Federal Chamber of Notaries is a corporation under public law. It is composed of all 21 chambers of notaries that exist on a state-wide basis.

Notaries who have been appointed in the districts of the higher regional courts in Germany are affiliated with the chambers of notaries. A total of almost 8,000 professionals are currently in office. For historical reasons, they exercise their function in two forms, either as a single-profession notary (Nurnotar), or as an attorney-notary (Anwaltsnotar).

The Bundesnotarkammer considers itself to be a self-governing public body with sovereign rights and obligations, but also as a professional representation for all notaries at national level.

The Bundesnotarkammer is based in Berlin and also has an office in Brussels.

The Bundesnotarkammer also includes the Central Register of Lasting Powers of Attorney, the Central Register of Wills, the Certification Authority of the Bundesnotarkammer, NotarNet GmbH based in Cologne as well as the German Notarial Institute based in Würzburg.