International Union of Notaries
The U.I.N.L. is the international association of notarial professional organisations of the Latin type notarial system.
The Latin type notarial system is an essential element of the legal systems of continental Europe. It has its origins in Roman civil law and is characterised by the understanding of the notary as a holder of a public office in the field of preventive administration of justice.
The U.I.N.L. aims to promote the cooperation between notaries on a global scale and the notarial function at international level. It ensures a close transnational cooperation and strengthens their independence in order to provide a better service for the citizens.
The U.I.N.L. was informally founded on 2 October 1948 during the First International Congress held in Buenos Aires. Its statutes were formally approved in Madrid in 1950.
International Union of Notaries (U.I.N.L.)

Via Flaminia 158 · Pal. A
I - 00196 ROME · Italy
Phone: +39 6 3208384
Fax: +39 6 36091499
Study on the Economic Relevance of Notarial Authentic Instruments
Professor emer. Dr. Dres. Rolf KnieperOn behalf of the International Union of Notaries (U.I.N.L.), Professor em. Dr. Dres. Rolf Knieper carried out a study on the economic relevance of notarial authentic instruments in countries with and without a notariat of the Latin type notarial system around the globe. The study was unanimously approved by the Steering Committee of the U.I.N.L. on 16 February 2018.
Notarius International - Law journal of the U.I.N.L.
Forum for the international aspects of the notariat’s activitiesNotarius International is a scientific journal of the International Union of Notaries. Notarius International provides a forum for the international aspects of the notariat’s activities. It publishes articles on comparative law in all legal areas
relevant to notaries, in particular contract law, real estate law, family and succession law, corporate law, private international law, notarial professional and authentication law.
Notarius International is published by the German Notarial Institute in Würzburg.
Contributions to the International Congresses of Notaries of the U.I.N.L.
2013 - Lima, Peru
Sigrun Erber-Faller: Reflections of the Notariat on Family Law and the Law of Succession in the light of new social relationships
Dr. Wolfgang Ott: Legal security on property market. Need for regulatory instruments
2010 - Marrakech
Karin Arnold: Collaboration of the Notary and the State in facing the new challenges of society: transparency of financial markets, money laundering, urbanisation, environment
Dr. Stefan Bandel: The notarial deed serving the interests of safety in investments
2007 - Madrid
Dr. Stefan Bandel: The notarial act as an instrument of development in society
Peter Bohnenkamp: Rural and urban notarial practice
2004 - Mexiko
Dr. Rolf Gaupp: The impartiality of the notary: a guarantee in contract law
Dr. Jörg Buchholz / Dr. Eberhard Klein : Corporate personality in national and international legal practice (Theme III)
Sigrun Erber-Faller: The role of the notary in electronic contracts
2001 - Athens
Prof. Dr. Reinhold Geimer: The circulation of notarial acts and their effects in law
Dr. Klaus-R. Wagner: The notarial function in avoiding disputes: notarial advice and mediation as techniques
Dr. Gerd-Jürgen Richter: The notarial function in making law
1998 - Buenos Aires
Report of the German delegation